To educate the public about automobile accidents, a police department in the Middle Hesse region of Germany uses a specially designed accident simulator. The police chief wanted to analyze and
Read moreAuthor: ACE Controls
Designing More Comfortable Seats With ACE Industrial Gas Springs
Venue seating in the entertainment industry must always be comfortable. One way to improve seat comfortability is to design the armrests and footrests to provide better support for users’ back,
Read moreSailplane Flies High With Industrial Gas Springs
A sailplane, or glider, is an unpowered gliding aircraft often used for sport or leisure that relies on currents of rising air in order to soar. Thanks to its aerodynamically
Read moreIndustrial Shock Absorbers Protect Ski Cross Training Machine From Damage
Ski cross is an increasingly popular alpine skiing competition that incorporates various elements of skiing, including freestyle maneuvers, airborne jumps and high-banked turns. Not only is ski cross unique among
Read moreACE Gas Springs Provide Controlled Motion for Emergency Chute Doors
When there’s an emergency at sea, quick and safe evacuation of a vessel can mean the difference between lives saved and lives lost. Exit systems must be activated quickly with
Read moreTake the Time and Hassle Out of Replacing Your Solar Tracker’s Dampers
If you installed dampers for your PV tracker site in the last five to seven years, chances are you’ll need to replace them soon. Perhaps they’ve degraded over time or
Read moreShock Absorbers Protect a Drawbridge Structure From Its Moving Deck
When a drawbridge connects a small village to a larger town, that bridge is indispensable for the village. This was recently the case in the Netherlands, where Brekkenpolder, with just
Read moreHow ACE Gas Springs, Shock Absorbers Improve Glass Recycling Machine Safety
Consumers looking to preserve the environment through recycling routinely sort glass items by hand. Large-scale sorting, however, is best handled by automated machines, which make the process more efficient. As
Read moreIndustrial Gas Springs Give Work Platforms Versatility
When work needs to be done at a hard-to-reach height, mobile elevating work platforms (MEWPs) are both a portable and versatile means to lift personnel off the ground to access
Read moreMiniature Shock Absorbers Improve Capping Machine Reliability
Bottling companies are defined by their ability to turn out large quantities of product, and they typically ask a lot from their machines. A single machine can produce millions of
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